(This Notion File is not 100% ready yet 🚧 🚧)

Building a different type of Social Media application.

Social Media App - Social Media (”Social Media app” is a place holder name)

I created a Mind map of the features included in Social Media Application.


I started with a very simple elaboration of what exactly is the purpose of the app and what is important so that I have a good understanding of what will be in the application and what the structure of the application looks like. This help’s me focus on the most important features.

The challenge:

There are several hard to implement features like Coin/token feature based like and comment system. Another challenge is to build a new type of social media app where your posts can expire and to keep the on the platform you or someone else needs to keep it alive with your coins.

How dose the Idea work?

When a new user join’s the platform he will receive 1,000 coins, When the user likes, comments or wants to keep a post alive that will cost coins.

The coin system incentives the user to be more careful with his likes and comments basically giving them some value.

Once the user has posted something a 24h countdown will start and the user can post only once every 24h. Once 24h has passed the users post will be deleted, but there’s an exception If the user or someone else uses coins to keep alive his post then the post will receive another 5h every revive is 5h more!

This Idea give new value to Social Media and gives Likes, Comments and Post new and more Value.

When a user can post only 1 picture every 24h it also makes the post higher quality since users will put more effort since they know that they can post only one time every 24h’s. This basically gives more value to posting something.